America's Tax System As A Picnic

If America Was A Picnic With 100 People
(2009 IRS data)
By David A. Westphal

  1. One person who makes more than $383,450 (before taxes) would bring a six-inch hoagie for everyone at the table.
  2. Four people who each make between $154,643 and $383,450 would bring potato salad and corn on the cob for all.
  3. Five people who each make between $112,124 and $154,643 would bring a brownie and a soda for all.
  4. Fifteen people who each make between $66,193 and $112,124 would split bringing plates, forks, cups, and napkins.
  5. Twenty five people who each make between $32,396 and $66,193 would chip in $4 each to the state park to reserve a spot.
  6. The other fifty people making under $32,396 would split the cost of one can of bug spray.
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