Emotional Abuse is NEVER Acceptable

I wish I didn't grow up in a severely dysfunctional family,
but I've fought through it as much as I can.
I hope these articles can provide people with some healing
from the narcissistic abusers in your past.

I wish I had seen this as a kid

Narcissists MUST control the conversation!

Red flags with dating a narcissist

Signs of Emotional Abuse

Invalidation is horribly cruel

Toxic Siblings

In the worst families, NO CONTACT is your best option

#11 is crucial to me

Child Bullying

Sibling Bullying

What NOT to say to People With Depression

Do not JADE ever!

Cycle of Abuse

More Emotional Abuse

Psychopaths and Sociopaths


Narcissists And Their Victims

Narcissism Symptoms

Are you dating a Loser?

Memes That Helped Me

Raised By A Narcissist?

Six Types of Emotional Abuse

Why Was I Abused?

I'm The Family Scapegoat

Which One Are You?

Bad Parenting

The Narcissist Blames You

PTSD Without Going To Combat

Gaslighting Phrases

Female Narcissism

The Family Scapegoat

Narcissism Translator

Bullied By A Group?

How I Became The Black Sheep

Unhealthy Families

Proof of a Terrible Family

Narcissistic Shame

12 Toxic People

Things Narcissists Say

This Looks Familiar

Gaslighting Is Humiliating

Toxic Family Bingo

Narcissistic Women

Insidious Family Pattern

Scapegoats Are Strong

Family Scapegoat

Being The Family Scapegoat

Common Experiences

Good Family Or Bad Family?

Dysfunctional Family

Five Habits Of Controlling People

Controlling Or Helpful?

Not Helpful At All

Signs Of An Abused Brain

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